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The blowjob simulator

Lube and a phone for self pleasure games

Read Norwegian language erotica here

The room was barely lit, casting pale shadows that danced upon the walls. A man lay naked on his bed, his eyes closed
as he began to touch himself, his fingers tracing slow, deliberate patterns across his chest and stomach. His cock
stood erect, pulsing with anticipation of the pleasure that was to come.

He reached for the bottle of lube sitting nearby, its cool glass surface sending shivers down his spine as he
squeezed a generous amount into his hand. He spread it liberally over his fingers, then slid them between the
cheeks of his ass, probing gently at first, then more insistently as he located the tight ring of muscle that
guarded his entrance.

As he worked his fingers deeper inside himself, he felt the pressure building within him, a delicious sensation
that seemed to radiate outwards from his core. He moaned softly, biting down on his lower lip as he pushed a third
finger inside, stretching himself wide in preparation for what was to come.

He could feel his orgasm approaching fast now, the waves of pleasure crashing over him like a tidal wave. His
fingers moved faster and more urgently within his ass, while his other hand slid down to wrap around his cock,
stroking it firmly as he continued to fuck himself with the rhythmic, relentless motion of his fingers.

He knew that he was close now, so very close to coming, but he wanted to make this moment last forever – or at
least for as long as possible. He reached over and picked up the blowjob simulating suction machine, its sleek
curves glistening in the low light of the room.

He placed it around the base of his cock, feeling the soft rubber ring wrap snugly around his shaft as the machine
hummed to life. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before – a powerful, rhythmic sucking
motion that seemed to draw every last drop of pleasure from deep within him.

As the intensity of the experience grew, he felt himself being pushed further and further towards the edge. His
fingers thrust harder into his ass now, their movements growing more urgent as they sought out that elusive spot
that would send him spiraling over the precipice of orgasm.

With a cry of pleasure, he finally found it – that perfect combination of pressure and sensation that sent him
hurtling towards release. His cock throbbed within the grip of the suction machine, its rhythmic sucking motion
driving him wild with desire as his fingers plunged deeper inside himself.

He could feel his orgasm building now, growing stronger and more powerful with each passing second. His body
tensed and clenched around his fingers, his muscles tightening like steel cables as he felt himself teetering on
the brink of ecstasy.

With a roar of pleasure, he finally came – his cock exploding in thick jets of cum that spattered against the
walls of the suction machine, its powerful rhythm continuing unabated even as the last drops of his seed were
milked from him.

As the aftershocks of his orgasm continued to ripple through his body, he lay still on the bed, his breath coming
in ragged gasps as he savored the delicious sensations that still lingered within him. The suction machine hummed
quietly beside him, its sleek curves glistening with the evidence of his pleasure.

And as he drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of contentment and happyness. Being single wasn’t so bad when it really came down to it.

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